Saturday, April 5, 2008

For the dogs...

Yesterday I practically bawled my eyes out while watching Oprah. She was exposing the horrific conditions in puppy mills and even showed dogs in shelters about to be euthanized. It was the most saddening thing I have seen in a long time. I think what got me started crying was when they were talking about the Lange Foundation. I was incredibly touched that this woman started a "no-killing" shelter. I just want to say, do NOT buy a puppy from a pet store. Chances are, that puppy came from a puppy mill where it was kept in terrible conditions. By purchasing a puppy at a pet store, you are merely feeding the puppy mills more money. Instead, adopt a dog. Go to your local animal shelters and save a life! And finally...PLEASE spay and neuter your dogs! So many dogs are being euthanized because owners are not doing this. There is no excuse. It is cheap and simple procedure.

Thank you.

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